800-689-8552 The Law Firm of Piacentile, Stefanowski & Associates LLP



Procurement fraud occurs when a private contractor over­bills the government, neglects an obligation or causes a loss by delivering defective goods or services. Whistleblowers who come forward to report these unlawful practices help both the federal authorities and the taxpayers receive what they paid for.


Government contracts are controlled by several laws and regulations designed to ensure that the products or services provided by companies meet a minimum quality standard. Laws like the Truth in Negotiations Act require that the bidding process is free of manipulation and that the final price is fair and reasonable.

There are many types of procurement fraud: billing for services never provided, lying about a company’s qualifications or experience to win a bid, providing defective supplies or failing to test a product. Any instance where the federal authorities government does not receive what they paid for or paid more for a contract because of rigged bidding may be a procurement scheme.

Forgeries and alterations of documents or the creation of fake documents may be the evidence of a potentially illegal practice. Irregularities in electronic accounting data such as unusual patterns in payments, a large number of smaller invoices to the same vendor or paid without supporting receipts are also red flags.


Each year, private corporations, known as government vendors, receivecontracts worth over $450 billion. Because of bribery and kickbacks, taxpayers are often left with the burden of overpaying for inefficient government contracts, such as the infamous instance of $7,600 coffee makers and $435 hammers sold to the U.S. Navy. Some cases of procurement fraud have had deadly consequences, such as in cases of defense contractors where soldiers receive defective weapons or inefficient body armor.

It is estimated that these unlawful scams account for up to 6% of all federal money spent on private contracts, costing American taxpayers as much as $42 billion every year. Thanks to efforts of many brave whistleblowers over the past five years, False Claims Act cases of this type have recovered over $4 billion for the U.S. Treasury, with settlements totaling $1.1 billion in 2015 alone.



Paying kickbacks in exchange for preferential bidding treatment. In addition to direct cash or non‐monetary payments, bribes may be also paid through inflated invoices or invoices for goods or services never delivered (duplicate payments).


Multiple bidders agree to manipulate the government procurement process by colluding with each other. Bidders may rotate who bids on contracts, intentionally increase the prices, or participate in other anti‐competitive practices.


Unscrupulous business may end up delivering goods to federal agencies or the military that are not made to the specifications required by the initial contract, are unsafe, unreliable or otherwise faulty. Other times the items delivered are of an inferior quality than those required under the agreement.


Creating fake invoices for services or parts that were never used or delivered and charging them to the government.


Failing to disclose a personal interest in the contract or the work that will be completed.


Nonexistent vendors are created and paid as sub‐contractors for work that is never performed.


Contractors intentionally send an incomplete order while billing as it was completed.


In order to avoid the threshold at which the goods or services procurement must go through a competitive bidding process, the order is split into multiple purchases. The total amount of these smaller purchases exceeds the bid threshold, creating a loophole that can be fraudulently exploited.


Fraudulent statements made during the bidding process can result in a company receiving a contract that it does not have the resources or experience to fulfill. These false claims include misrepresenting its revenue to appear larger (fake revenues); failing to disclose its complete history of legal or regulatory issues (improper disclosures); and lying about its qualifications, experience or abilities to increase competitiveness (overstated credentials).

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The information submitted will be submitted to the law firm of Piacentile, Stefanowski & Associates LLP d/b/a Whistleblowers International. This communication does not create an attorney-client relationship and is submitted only for the purpose of evaluating your claim to see if this is something we are able to help you with. By contacting us, you certify that you are a potential client making a bona fide inquiry about obtaining legal services to address a potential whistleblowing legal claim. Past results do not guarantee future outcomes. While this submission does not create an attorney-client relationship, all information submitted will be kept strictly confidential per legal ethics rules since this information is submitted in contemplation of a potential attorney-client relationship. No attorney-client relationship is formed until it is determined after evaluation with you that this is something we can take on and a retainer agreement is signed by you and the law firm of Piacentile, Stefanowski & Malherbe LLP d/b/a Whistleblowers International. Please also understand that by submitting your information, there is no guarantee that we will contact you in response, as at any given time, there are only a limited number of claims we are able to take on and pursue. If we do not contact you within 3-business days of your submission, please reach out to another whistleblower law firm if you are interested in pursuing your matter.

Our Areas of Practice

Healthcare Fraud 

Securities / Derivatives Fraud

Fraud Against the Government

Tax Fraud

Cryptocurrencies Fraud

Defense Contractor Fraud

Money Laundering

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act



  • In December 2014, a subsidiary of the largest defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, settled with the Department of Justice for $27.5 million for providing the Army forces in Iraq and Afghanistan with unqualified employees while the company billed the Army for more expensive specialists.

  • In December 2014, Supreme Foodservice GmbH, a private Swiss company, and its partner in the United Arab Emirates paid $434 million in criminal and civil fines in connection with a contract to provide supplies to U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Supreme Foodservice inflated food and water prices by using a middleman company it owned. The whistleblower who anonymously tipped off the authorities received a $16.16 million reward.

  • In April 2009, a hurricane Katrina contractor, Lighthouse Disaster Relief, accepted a $4 million judgment for failing to build and staff a basecamp for first responders that was large and equipped enough to accommodate them as described in the contract.


The best people to identify these fraudulent behaviors are internal auditors, company examiners, and the employees working in bidding, contracting, purchasing, program management, payroll, accounting, and contractor occupations. Illegal practices of this kind can be reported under the U.S. False Claims Act, which provides whistleblower protections and rewards ranging between 15% and 30% of the total amount recovered by the government.

We can provide you with a free, hour-long legal consultation. Contact one of our lawyers by filling out a form or calling toll-free at 


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